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Network Penetration Testing

“Exacrypt Security: Fortify Your Future, Defend with Confidence”

Network Penetration Testing:

Strengthening Your Defenses

Internal Penetration Testing: Uncover Vulnerabilities from Within

Internal Penetration Testing is a crucial cybersecurity measure that involves authorized hacking attempts within your organization’s perimeter. Our skilled testers gain onsite access through a secure Ethernet connection, simulating the ways employees or contractors might access your internal environment. This process aims to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, assess privileges, and gain access to critical information.

For specific setups, such as data centers, we offer jump posts that allow remote testing through your organization’s VPN access. This comprehensive approach ensures we evaluate every possible entry point.

Benefits of Internal Penetration Testing

  • Risk Reduction and Compliance: Mitigate the risk of business interruptions and non-compliance costs by identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities.
  • Security Standards: Ensure compliance with security standards like PCI DSS, enhancing your data protection.
  • Data Leakage Prevention: Safeguard your network against information leakage caused by current or terminated employees or exposed data.
  • Policy Compliance: Identify installations that violate your internal policies, which could potentially be exploited by external attackers.
  • Proof of Exploit: Furnish management with evidence of exploit, outlining compromised assets in the event of an attack.
  • Effective Security Measures: Obtain an independent assessment of your current systems’ effectiveness before adding extra security layers.
  • Vulnerability Detection: Uncover both known and unknown vulnerabilities that could grant access to sensitive information.
  • Incident Response Testing: Audit your security monitoring and incident response procedures to enhance your overall security posture.

External Penetration Testing: Fortify Your Perimeter

External Penetration Testing focuses on securing your organization’s internet-facing servers, including web, email, and e-commerce servers. This process involves authorized hacking attempts designed to strengthen your external network defenses against potential attacks from outside your perimeter.

Benefits of External Penetration Testing

  • Risk Mitigation and Compliance: Reduce the risk of business disruptions and non-compliance costs by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.
  • Proof of Compromise: Provide management with a tangible demonstration of potential attack consequences.
  • Effective Security Measures: Obtain an independent assessment of your current systems’ effectiveness before considering additional security layers.
  • Vulnerability Discovery: Identify known and unknown vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit to access sensitive information.
  • Incident Response Testing: Audit your external security monitoring procedures and fine-tune your incident response strategies.
  • Policy Compliance: Detect installations that violate your internal policies and might be exploited by external attackers.
  • System Fortification: Strengthen your systems and networks against potential host compromises.
  • Independent Verification: Get a third-party validation of your organization’s internet-facing presence and its security.

Empower Your Security with Network Penetration Testing

With the complexities of today’s cyber threats, network penetration testing is a strategic investment in safeguarding your digital assets. Our expert team at Exacrypt Security Limited specializes in both internal and external penetration testing, providing you with the insights needed to enhance your cybersecurity posture and protect your organization against potential breaches. Don’t wait for threats to escalate – fortify your defenses today.